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Software files

1 How to download a software file with EEPROM Programmer [GB/CM]

The user can create a software file (with extension .sw) which contains all the data to write into the non-volatile memory of the drive using the EasyMotion Studio or Easy SetUp software. The software file includes both the setup data and the motion program.…

2 How to generate and download a software file [GB]

A software file (.sw) is a text file that can be generated either from EasySetUp or from EasyMotion Studio, and which generally contains information about the drive/motor setup and about the TML application (if present). The data inside the file is organized…

3 How to download a SW file with TML instructions

The steps described below can be integrated in a host software to add the possibility of updating TML application/setup table in the field. The data stored in a software file is grouped in blocks separated by an empty row. The first row in a block represents…