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Sensor interfacing

1 PNP to NPN adapter - For the Technosoft drives with NPN inputs [GB/CM]

In case of the Technosoft drives that accept only NPN type inputs, a PNP to NPN adapter has to be used in order to connect a PNP sensor to them. For this adapter, we suggest the schematic below.

2 NPN to PNP adapter - For the Technosoft drives with NPN outputs [II/CM]

In case of the Technosoft drives with NPN outputs, an NPN to PNP adapter has to be used in order to connect a PNP equipment to their outputs (24 V, 0.5 A minimum). For this adapter, we suggest the schematics below. 1. Using SMD components IN = the NPN output…

3 Connecting a single-ended absolute encoder to a differential feedback connector

Technosoft products that have absolute feedback accept only differential signals . In order to connect a single ended absolute encoder to the drive`s differential feedback, an adaptation circuitry is needed (see image below). Link to the Low-Power Differential…