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Fault state recovering details

Author: AM Reference Number: AA-00250 Views: 1154 Created: 12-09-2011 14:03 Last Updated: 19-08-2021 12:19 0 Rating/ Voters

After an error, the drives enters in the fault state. To recover from the fault state, the fault cause must be removed and then, one of the reset commands below must be sent to the drive.

1)  FAULTR (fault reset command) - it gets the drive out from the fault status.
After a "FAULTR" command, most of the errors bits in the MER register are cleared (set to 0), the Ready output is set to the active level, the Error output (if present) is set to the no error level and the drive/motor returns to normal operation.

Remark:  If the error cause is still present when the "FAULTR" command is executed, the drive will return to fault state.

2) RESET - TML command that performs a software reset.
After "RESET", the motor is reinitialized with the parameters in the setup table.

Remark: After reset, if the AUTORUN mode is disabled, the ENDINIT and AXISON commands must also be sent to the drive,  to end its initialization and enable the power stage.

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