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Default actions executed by TML interrupts [GB/CM]

Author: AM Reference Number: AA-00373 Views: 19544 Created: 26-03-2012 16:24 Last Updated: 19-08-2021 15:21 0 Rating/ Voters

Technosoft drives can monitor up to 13 conditions, each triggering a TML interrupt.

The default actions executed when a TML interrupt is triggered are:

int0 – Enable input has changed. When enable input goes from disable to enable status, it executes AXISON if ACR.1 = 1 (i.e., the drive is set to start automatically after power-on with an external reference) or if ACR.3 = 1 (i.e., a specific request to execute AXISON upon recovery from disable status). Before executing AXISON, if the drive is set to electronic gearing slave mode, the motion mode is being set again (followed by an update command – UPD), to force a re-initialization for smooth recouping with the master. 

int1 – Short-circuit

a.       Set the Error output (if present) to error status and turn on the red LED (if present)

b.       Set the Ready output (if present) to not-ready status and turn off the green LED (if present).

c.       Disable the power stage of the drive

d.       Set fault condition and stop the TML program

Int2 – Software protections

a.       Set the Error output (if present) to error status and turn on the red LED (if present)

b.       Set the Ready output (if present) to not-ready status and turn off the green LED (if present).

c.       Disable the power stage of the drive

d.       Set fault condition and stop the TML program

Int3 – Control error

a.       Set the Error output (if present) to error status and turn on the red LED (if present)

b.       Set the Ready output (if present) to not-ready status and turn off the green LED (if present).

c.       Disable the power stage of the drive

d.       Set fault condition and stop the TML program

Int4 – Communication error

a.       Set the Error output (if present) to error status and turn on the red LED (if present)


Int5 – Position wrap around – no default action

Int6 – Limit Switch Positive – no default action

Int7 – Limit Switch Positive – no default action

Int8 – Capture input transition detected – no default action

Int9 – Motion is completed/ in velocity – no default action

Int10 – Time period has elapsed – no default action

Int11 – Event set has occurred – no default action

Int12 – Position trigger 1..4 change detected – no default action

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